Angie started designing and launched GET OUTSIDE clothing co. in April of 2019. She started with products with her logo and her "G.O." statement tees and hoodies. She fell in love with the "G.O" as a short form of her business name GET OUTSIDE, where statements such as "G.O. Fish", "G.O. Watch Your Own Bobber", and "G.O. Take a Hike" came alive. Her "G.O" statements have grown tremendously since then, and continue to change with the seasons!

She designed a collection of high quality, comfortable goods that her and her family loved to wear. She extended her collections to include infant and youth as her company grew quickly within the first few months of her launch.

Angie is incredibly passionate about her business and what it stands for. Angie took the next step in her business in 2023 by buying a store front in Sauk Centre, located right on Main Street. Not only will you find Get Outside merch, but also a wide variety of MN made items. The name is Merchants on Main Street Boutique. She is incredibly happy that her customers can now have a place to shop and try on her latest styles! You can find her store at 306 Main Street S, Sauk Centre, MN.